Live Ultra

The idea of inserting beer within a fitness category and into a social conversation is Michelob Ultra’s ultimate challenge.

We took that challenge and created an engaging social campaign to bridge these two worlds in a very organic way.

Living ULTRA is all about being able to live FIT and FUN at the same time. To communicate that notion, we tapped into Michelob Ultra’s own brand ambassadors and created snackable videos (:15 each) profiling them and how they live Ultra their own way.


Meet Jera Foster, a NYC cycle instructor and fitness influencer.


Ultra me

This :15 video was used to kickoff the campaign and introduce Jera Foster to Michelob Ultra’s following base.


Ultra us

This video features Jera and her community of friends and family; an important element that brings “fit” and “fun” into her lifestyle.


Ultra hour

A third snackable video that expands a bit further into Jera’s lifestyle.


For more social content, visit @michelobultra on Instagram.